Monday, January 1, 2001

This week’s activities (7th - 11th March, 2016)

Yet more updates on my activities…

On Monday 7th March, I shall be busy doing clinical work, although in the evening, I’ll be attending a meeting of the Trustees of the JoannaSimpson Foundation.
On Tuesday 8th March, I’ll be attending a Round Table on maternal mental health at the Department of Health with the Minister, Alistair Burt, representing the British Psychological Society and supporting the Maternal Mental Health Alliance. I anticipate further discussions about the coverage of mental health and psychological science in the media.
On Wednesday 9th March, a colleague and I will be visiting a pioneering psychology service helping homeless people, something we’re attempting to replicate in Liverpool. In the evening, I will be attending a reception on mental health issues with the Leader of the Opposition, Jeremy Corbyn and the Shadow Minister for Mental Health, Luciana Berger (both of whom have been strong supporters of mental health issues).
On Thursday 10th March, I shall be working at the University (on our project on dementia and human rights) and then discussing a forthcoming BPS publication on depression and low mood.
On Friday, 11th March, I’ll be attending the BPS pre-qualification group’s annual conference in Birmingham , “Community Psychology: Thinking more, speaking more, doing more”, which will discuss ‘… how critical and community approaches to psychology can be applied in interesting and novel ways’.

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